2008年10月28日 星期二




但是 漸漸的

我看到的 都是對方的缺點




2008年10月20日 星期一

css of ashin

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2008年10月16日 星期四

Sunshine State - Day Job


Day Job
by A. Coldevin/J. Bryan McCollum

Verse 1

Where did the weekend go
I say to Steve
As the elevator opens
On the 7th floor of hell

Third cup of coffee
Now I’m half awake
Start to wander through my email
Getting cozy in my cell

Pre chorus 1

1-2-3-4-5 more hours
crush my soul
and send me flowers
take me home
where I can be myself again

Chorus 1

Monday I’ll sleep in ‘till noon
And stay out late
And live the life I want
I know
One day
I’ll leave this dull grey cubicle behind
If the rent could still be paid

Verse 2

Try to be different
Wore striped socks today
I think that everybody noticed
Heard them talking in the hall

Hey you know there’s muffins
On Todd’s desk
Well I better hurry now and get one
Guess I’ll have to miss that call

Pre chorus 2

1-2-3-4-5 more hours
sing my love songs in the shower
brush my teeth
and try to plan my

Chorus 2

Monday I’ll sleep in ‘till noon
And stay out late
And live the life I want
I know
One day
I’ll leave this dull grey cubicle behind
If the rent could still be paid


The dental plan
Serves me well
Love my ergonomic chair
Steady pay
That I never seem to save
I’ve been wasting too much time
I don’t wanna be there

Chorus 3

Monday I’ll sleep in ‘till noon
And stay out late
And live the life I want
I know
One day
I’ll leave this dull grey cubicle behind
Things are gonna be different

Monday I’ll sleep in ‘till noon
And stay out late
And live the life I want
I know
One day
I’ll kiss this dull grey cubicle goodbye
If the rent could still be paid

2008年10月9日 星期四

Do you MOS today...?



炸雞被嫌棄 沒人要 所以死在我桌上




真的可以吃就好了 ˊˋ





 但沒想到的是NTHU_Talk 有人竟然譴責這樣的行為


 come on,guys~~
 take it easy,ok




清大總務處最近順應"民意" 把這些標誌塗掉了......
so sad
還好我有把它先拍下來了 科科

2008年10月6日 星期一

I love 王品






感謝王品!! I love u!!